Friday, October 25, 2013

A move for my reviews

Hello to all.

I know it has been a while since I posted anything on here, and no I am not dead either contrary to popular belief.

Well the reason why  haven't posted anything on here is that I'm writing for Mass Movement Magazine now which is a online website out of the U.K. If anyone is interested you can follow the link to the site here:
Mass Movement.
Even though the site is based in England it is read worldwide and even comes out with a digest edition  every couple of months. Me and another writer on the magazine, Jim Dodge, are based in Florida, so yes the magazine does have a international following.

So I hope everyone that still reads this will just jump on over to there.

And to the directors that send me there work, sorry about the delay and the dead silence from me but I am excepting submissions again so when ever possible get hold of me about your work at the below email address and whenever possible, if at all,  send me a DVD version of your film. And now the email address

Thank you everyone for your patience
